My Story

A few people have asked me if I am a health professional, as if it takes someone with a medical degree to do research. The fact is, I don't know of any health professional that has done extensive research into the nutritional requirements of your DNA. They know DNA mutation causes problems and degenerative diseases, yet there is no money as a health professional in promoting Nature-based nutrition (no side effects, either!) Medical professionals are more interested in treating symptoms of ailments and disease with drugs and/or surgery which often have serious side effects, rather than nutrition.

I quote from an article published by the BBC News in 2010:

"Gastroenterologist Dr. Penny Neild, who works at London's St. George's Hospital, said training on how to spot and tackle malnutrition was 'patchy'. She said medical schools and junior doctorate programmes were focusing too much on the science of being a doctor rather than basic care.

"Nutrition is ... not a mandatory part of medical school.... Doctors are taught a lot about medical interventions, but not how to assess and manage poor nutrition."

In 1977 my wife and I had our first child. She was born with a birth defect, a mass of skin tissue the size of a golf ball in the middle of her back they called a Myelomeningocele. This was coupled with a condition known as Spina Bifida which means some of her vertebrae didn't close. Subsequently, as the years passed, she would have another 3 surgeries to remove scar tissue that developed until she stopping growing.

This was my first encounter with health problems in our family. We went on to have 7 more daughters followed by by 3 boys, the last of which died after 15 hours of life due to severely undersized lungs.

The year our son was born, and died, was a tumultuous time for our family. It was at this time of turmoil that members of my extended family began to experience health issues...cancers, bone diseases, arthritic conditions, diabetes and heart disease. I, myself, because of stress began to have issues in my bones and in my heart. I admitted myself into the Emergency Room twice with chest pains; the second time I couldn't feel my entire left arm from my shoulder down to my fingertips. I also experienced pain and lack of movement in my knees to such a degree that if I sat on the edge of our bed, I couldn't get up without pushing myself up with my knees were stiffening up quite badly to a point that worried me considerably and, I had put on an extra 70 pounds! So it was at this time that I began my research.

I had been raised by a mother who believed in health, so it was this background that got me looking seriously for the first time into our food supply. My search led me in the direction of alkaline versus acidic foods and their effects on the cellular conditions in our body. I learned that acidic conditions (acidosis) in our cells leads to oxidative stress, a major contributor to cellular mutation and disease (cancer in particular). As I found out when I downloaded this Food Chart there were acidic foods and alkaline foods. It was the alkaline foods that we needed to emphasize in our bodies. These would act to neutralize the acid side which, without buffering, was the contributor of not only cancer but virtually all degenerative disease conditions. At this point I had an "aha" moment: this was the reason why God (Nature) provided fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and spices as our main food source!  They were alkaline. But why were they alkaline, and what made them so? This part of my research led me to an area I had never previously thought about.

Enter my now good friend and associate, August, a particle physicist, botonist, biologist and one of the most intelligent beings I have ever met. Our meeting was one of those chance encounters called "destiny". This is where I was taught the true nature of alkalinity and acidity. Base was the true term for alkaline and the main source of "base" were positive mineral ions. August also introduced me to the 1936 Senate Document 264 and the key concept that explained why our produce had not only lost its taste, but also its nutritive quality. This extremely important concept was the Mineral Depletion Of Our Soils. Among other things the U.S. Senate hearing in 1936 identified key facts that were about to be swept under the rug (by the commercialized agricultural and food industry) for the next 70 years! Among other things, this Senate investigation verified that:
  1. "Most of us (1936) are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils are brought into proper mineral balance."
  2. "Laboratory tests (1936) prove fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs, even milk and meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago."
  3. "Not commonly realized is that in the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function to perform... lacking vitamins the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless!"
  4. "Any considerable lack of one or another element [mineral] - however microscopic the body requirement may be - and we sicken, suffer and shorten our lives."
  5. "Leading authorities (1936) suggest 99% of American people are deficient in ... minerals and that a marked deficiency in any one or more of the important minerals results in disease."
This was an eye-opener for me and explained why even vegetarians were getting cancers, diabetes, bone diseases and other degenerative conditions (e.g. Beatle Paul McCartney's wife, Linda). We had the produce but it was depleted and empty of the majority of it's intended nutrients. And without minerals, plants can't make vitamins. These dire conditions were a direct cause of the commercialized farming industry! Pesticides (left over chemicals from wars) were not the only cause; farming practices (both organic and commercial) did not allow for the resting of soils, and chemical fertilizers were also to blame. The bottom line is that as mineral depletion has occurred, degenerative diseases have grown exponentially... and this despite so-called "advances" in medical care!

It was at this particular time that I had another "destined" encounter with the gentlemen who wrote the book, "Minerals For The Genetic Code," Richard Ulree. This book outlined Richard's research into the 302 known genes whose purpose is to repair, or even eliminate, DNA mutating cells (the cause of virtually all degenerative disease). Richard overlaid the human genetic map over the periodic table of minerals and made this breakthrough discovery: these 302 disease-fighting genes needed a sequence of 64 mineral-amino acid chains to make these genes effective. Some of these sequences were repeated up to 50 times in each one of the 302 genes. Each gene has a required sequence of 64 different minerals.

So now that I knew our soils were depleted of minerals and that we needed a sequence of 64 minerals and amino acids to turn on our disease suppressing genes, the final question was: If I can't have confidence in our land based food sources, where then could I look to find the best source of these vital minerals and amino acids?

Since I was already friends with August who, as a matter of fact, had been producing a pure ocean-based mineral product (My Minerals) it took me a short amount of time to research and find the perfect matching source of amino acids (and a plenitude of other nutrients) to make my research complete - Marine Phytoplankton.

Without going into all the details, I did an enormous amount of research on all the available worldwide sources of ocean-based minerals and marine phytoplankton. I tested the veracity of My Minerals against every known source of ocean minerals and found them to have certain qualities that other competing minerals did not have: Ionic size molecules, no bad taste or odor, all 92 of the essential minerals from Nature cleaned from impurities, and a product that didn't require dilution of its mineral content to remove excess ocean salts. In the UMAC-Core Marine Phytoplankton I found the only worldwide source of over 200 species of ocean phytoplankton (comparable to eating over 200 varieties of produce), a proprietary process of extracting the essential nutrients from the outer shell (the green casing indigestible to humans), the usage of pure ocean water for phytoplankton breeding, and a state-of-the-art $20 million facility that returns twice as much phytoplankton to the ocean than it removes.

When I started this research in the mid 1990's I was not looking for any "products". I was looking for solutions; and I wholeheartedly believed I would find those solutions in our food. What I learned was shocking, but true. Since the early 1900's our food supply, year on year, has lost a substantial amount of its nutrition. A major contributor to this dilemma facing all of us is the constant decline of our mineral soils documented by government statistics. This entire process has been fed by greed and a lust for money. This state of decline has affected all of us - our families, our friends, and our neighbors. We are all suffering...and it is the conclusion of my research that we will continue to suffer unless we take our nutritional matters into our own hands and do something about it, starting today. Let the medical community peddle their surgeries and drugs. But let each of us take personal responsibility for our own health by guaranteeing we receive daily the 64 mineral-amino acid combinations that will activate our cellular DNA mutation-fighting genes. You have my story. Now do something about it. I am doing it. My family is doing it. It's not difficult. Prioritize your spending. Pay for your health first; then buy the rest of your food. May your future be brighter tomorrow that it is today.

Sincerely, Greg